Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Der Mond im Spagat

Aha! Ich hab's!! Ja!!!
Die Jungs von theGlue sind nicht dumm und unklar, die sind eigentlich ganz klug und einfach lustig.
Also, erst mal ein großes Dankeschön an Anita, die mich auf die Idee gebracht hat, was "der Mond steht im Spagat" bedeuten könnte. Und dank Internet habe ich es dann wirklich rausgefunden. Der Mond kann tatsächlich im Spagat stehen. Naja... wenn man einen kreativen Geist hat, kann man sich einen Spagat dabei denken. Die Erklärung. Ich versuche es auf Deutsch:

Das an die südliche Hemisphere der Sternhimmel anders aussieht als bei uns, wusste ich ja schon. Ihr auch, hoffe ich. Alle Sterne stehen (in unsere Augen) falsch herum. Auch der Mond sieht anders aus, er ist umgekehrt. Und so kanns auch passieren das beim Halbmond der Mond sozusagen auf seine Seite liegt mit die rechte Seite unter, und die kugelförmige Seite oben. Ein paar Bier und viel Spaß weiter sieht es genau so aus wie einen Spagat, oder? ;) Und weil ich kein richtig gutes Bild finden konnte, und die ganze Sache doch ziemlich egal ist, habe ich ein bisschen gephotoshopt ;)

Bleibt nur noch die Frage, was die ganze Text von dem Lied eigentlich bedeutet, denn was die komplette Texte angeht sind die Jungs doch ziemlich komisch drauf. Und nicht nur bei dieses Lied, eigentlich bei ganz viele Lieder. Oder, was hält ihr von "Tiger Säbelzahl beisst das Mammut in den Nacken, oh wie ihm das gut tut, es kaut mit vollen Backen, doch in seiner Gier beisst sich das Tier selbst in die Unterlippe, es faucht, es schreit, es stöhnt, es stirbt und endet als Gerippe". Und dann denke ich: Ja, und?
Aaaber, lassen wir das wichtigste nicht vergessen: theGlue ist wirklich toll. Ihre Sound, die Zusammenklang, das Mundschlagzeug. Alles perfekt. "Sandburgenbauen ist bei Weitem nicht der dümmste Weg, sich einen Tag am Meer zu versauen" gehört mittlerweile zu einen meinen heutigen Lieblingsliedern, aber warum es sich in diesem Lied dreht?? *seufz*

Oh ja, und wenn man nicht schlafen kann, ist "Gluewürmchen" ein ganz geeignetes Lied. Der Track dauert 19 Minuten und wirkt bei mir wie eine Hypnose. Am Sonntagnacht konnte ich nicht schlafen, aber bei diesem Lied hat es doch geklappt. Eigentlich ist es gar kein Lied, es ist mehr wie eine sich immer wiederholende Melodie. Das Pfeifen ist manchmal ganz schief aber irgendwie stört das nicht wirklich.

Es gibt noch mehr komische Texte, aber ich glaube es reicht was ich hier beschrieben habe. TheGlue: komisch, aber sehr geil. Eigentlich musst ihr das Album einfach kaufen, ich brauche dringend Diskussionspartner.

Toe philosophy & Klartext

Every June I'm having a weekend holiday with some old fellow students. Girls only, our men have to stay at home. A little holiday is always very welcome, but a free holiday is even more welcome! This year, our stay was free of charge, because last year we had some trouble. And after our complaints about it, we got a free weekend in return. No complaints about the organisation, they deserve a link.

We planned this weekend months ago and we were all looking forward to it. And this time we chose to visit Zeeland (a province of NL in the south-west). I have been there several times in the past with Martins family and it's just a beautiful place to be. I love the sound of the sea and although I don't really prefer spending hours on the beach sunbathing, I loved it this weekend. We've even been swimming in the sea!!! Still cold, but satisfying after baking (burning...) in the sun.

So, what more have we been doing? What do women do, when there are no men around? Nothing spectacular, actually. For instance, we discussed toes. Did you know you can recognise people's characteristics by looking at their toes? Little lesson in toe-philosophy: Take a look at the second big toe on your right foot; is it bigger or just as big as your big toe? Than, you are ambitious! Take a look at the second big toe on your left foot: Is it bigger or just as big as your big toe? Than you are a sensitive person and you don't succeed in cleaning up the mess you make. Ok, untill here, it's pretty innocent and general. But, if you can "seperate" your left little toe (which stands for selfconfidence and sex) from the others, it means you are capable of having sex without love or deep emotion! We are strongly doubting the reliablility of this philosophy, because five of us could actually move their little toe in a way we would call it seperate from the others. Well, anyway.. That's what women discuss, right? Stupid magazines, by the way. We also discussed marriage (two of us are getting married within the next year, including me), kids (one of us is pregnant), men (two of us are still single and well, the others are experts), work (we almost all have similar jobs (in child/youth care), etc. The usual women stuff ;)

Zeeland is also the place where the Klartext fotoshooting (2002/03?) took place. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, take a look at the picture on the right here. It's one of the pictures taken during that fotoshooting. I recognised the lighthouse immediately when I saw it on the picture. And this weekend, I just had to go to this specific place and I watched the sunset there. Stupid, I know. But it's just a very nice place. And well, being a Wise Guys fan.... ok... no more words, the pictures:

Isn't it beautiful?? Wow, it was so nice to sit there and wait for the sun to go down. The temperature was going down with the sun, but I didn't care. Skating back made me warm again.

On Sunday I saw something which I really wanted to do, but my friends didn't want to do it. I'm sure, if I would be there with another group of friends, we would hire this immediately. Just because, right? ;) You know ;)

Hört ihr sie schon singen? Ich habe schon ´nen Ohrwurm ;)

So, our weekend was a great succes and we're already doing some brainstorming for next year. Maybe we'll go sailing in Friesland (in the north of NL)!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's about time!

Martin and I are getting married! Most people know already, but I couldn't write anything in my blog yet, because some of our friends were having a holiday in China for four weeks and we wanted to tell them personally. I didn't want them to find out by reading my blog (probably they didn't check it at all, but you never know...). Now they're back, and we've told them, so I can finally write things down here. And that's about time, isn't it?

So, how am I doing lately? Actually, I'm busy and a bit forgetful. There are a lot of things going on in my mind and I'm a bit more chaotic than people are used of me. I apologize.
I believe I promised some people a more detailed story about the 'how and what'. Well, let's just give you a short summery. Martin and I met in the summer of 1997 on a tiny campsite in the Netherlands. After a year in which we sporadically wrote each other letters (real ones, with post stamps!!) we met again in the summer of 1998 and from that day on we are in love. So, that's 8 years this summer. Time to get finally married, right? (It's about time haha). The first 5 years we spend travelling from the west to the east of NL and back, because we lived 145 km apart (measured in a straight line). But since 2003 we are living together and the weekly travelling is over. Of course we've discussed marriage quite often already, but it just never came to it. Martin even started joking we would probably just have to pick a date one day. How unromantic ;) So I decided it was time for some action. With easter we went back to 'our' campsite, had a nice walk and that day I asked Martin to marry me.

And now, we're preparing our wedding day, which will be in October. Yes, in October already. We thought six months would be enough to organise this day. And besides:
(icq with Lena, 8. May)
I: Aber, eigentlich bin ich froh das wir in Oktober heiraten, denn im Sommer gibt es fast keine a cappella Konzerte die mich ablenken ;)
lena: sehr cool, nach was du deine Pläne richtest - a-cappella-Konzerte *lach*

My friends are planning a bachelor party... of course. But I think they had some problems finding a date that suits us all.
(msn with Ria - 29. May)
Ria: I'm getting desperate of your agenda.
I: Oh ja? You should see my schedule for oct-nov-dec [...] But hey, "et hät noch immer jot jejange".
Ria: And that means??

I really can understand why people get desperate of me as well.... But well... et es, wie et es. And I am who I am.

Organising a wedding day is a lot of work, that's what everybody says. But actually it's not that hard at all. It's just how you deal with things. We're quite easy with a lot of things. And because we know each other for such a long time, we know exactly what we like. Yesterday we decided it was time to search for wedding rings. We visited the first jeweler we could find and within 45 minutes we were a lot poorer. It's so easy ;) (and the rings are so pretty!!!)

We also 'discussed' the topic honeymoon. But we both agreed we don't want our honeymoon in October, after the wedding. No, we're going on honeymoon BEFORE our wedding! :D This summer we are going to Malta!!!! We booked yesterday and we are looking forward to it so much! It'll be the first time we are going to fly, yeah really! And we've never been that far away from home.

Monday, June 05, 2006


Jetzt weiß ich genau wie eine Überdosis a cappella fühlt. Drei Tagen lang gab es Musik. Erst am Samstag, Nationale Chöretag in Hengelo. Das war total schön und ich bin eigentlich ein bisschen stolz das ich da mitarbeiten konnte (anschließend Musik von 11.00 bis 23.00 = 12 Stunden). Und dann gestern und heute in Dortmund (hallo Doooaaartmund!!! *insider*) sechs -für uns noch unbekannte- a cappella Gruppen beim A cappella Festival im Westfalenpark (6x 1,5 Stunden = 9 Stunden). Und was spinnt jetzt in meinem Kopf rund: viele dum dum dums, viele Akkorde, absolut geiler Mundschlagzeug (!), witzige und schöne Texte, viele neue Gesichter und ein paar total blöde Anzüge. Es gab für jeder etwas weil die sechs Gruppen total unterschiedlich waren.
Und dann rede ich noch gar nicht vom Grillen und Zelten mit Monika, Christian, Ursula, Niko, Liane und Lena. Das war unvergesslich schön und hat ganz viel Spaß gemacht. Und, ja es gibt noch mehr; mein Kopf ist mal wieder völlig auf Deutsch eingestellt. *Spracheknöpfchensuch*
Jetzt erst mal ins Bett. Die Nächte dieses WE waren ein bisschen kurz. Und dann morgen werde ich anfangen Konzertberichte zu schreiben. Denn ich konnte mich nicht zurückhalten Notizen und Bilder zu machen. Bald mehr auf meine Seite!
Noch eine Bemerkung: (So erkennt man eine Überdosis)
Hoch über dem Strand steht der Mond im Spagat!! Oh ja, wirklich? Ja, echt.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Me a referee?? - that rhymes - and a toothpaste story

I am officially an arbitrator now. Tonight I passed the exam. I was actually hoping I would fail because I don't want to be an arbitrator. Don't ask me why I was doing this course, we all just had to do it. So I passed. I guess it was too simple. But I don't see myself doing this next year... So, am I happy now? not really... The only cool thing is, I've got a red and yellow card now. I think I'm going to use them at work with the kids ;)
By the way, last weekend (in Köln) Steffi gave me new Blendi, and the kids really love it. They were very happy I brought it for them. One of the kids asked me if I had been to Germany again (he's five years old). Because I had told them I had to go to Germany to buy new Blendi. Funny, he remembered this. The kids love this toothpaste mostly because it glitters.

Hmmm... I actually wanted to write a longer story, but the words don't come out today. I'm too tired. Let's go to bed, quite early for a change.