Wednesday, March 08, 2006

We're going down.........

Pfffffffff... Can anybody tell me why we had such a hard and tough volleyball training tonight? Do you think it could have something to do with the fact we lost the previous eight games? First we were in 4th place, now we're in 6th place...

Last Saturday I had to leave the game early, because Martin and I had to go to Münster. When I left, we were ahead with 2-1. But we lost the game with 3-2..... They just can´t do it without me! ;) ;) ;)

But even though today's training was really tiring, I feel great :D :D I love it! Please, let us have a training like this every week!!! It might be helpful as well.

To be continued next Friday, when we have to play a game again. We WILL winn! We WANT to WIN!


  1. Anonymous10/3/06 11:00

    Hey, ich drücke euch alle meine DAumen. Das wird schon. Wenn ihr so hart trainiert, dann könnt ihr das auch schaffen!
    "Können wir das schaffen?"
    ;) Ganz liebe gedrückte Grüße!

  2. "Können wir das schaffen?"

    "Nou en of!" :D

  3. Anonymous10/3/06 11:58

    Hihi *freu* darau hatte ich gehofft, dass Du auf holländisch antwortest ..... LOL!
